Benfica Macau Academy will be expanding basketball classes to 3 days a week during the summer holidays! 澳門賓菲加足球學院在暑假將會增加籃球課程至一星期三天!
Kids from the ages of 6 to 15 can enroll into our classes and be coached by and mentored by our friendly and renowned coaches who have experience playing for the Macau National team 6至15歲的小朋友都可以報名參加我們的課程,課程將會由我們曾是澳門代表隊親切的教練教授指導。
These classes will help you develop as a player whilst also guaranteeing to leave you sweating and having fun!
Come and try a free trial, contact us for more information! 快點來免費體驗試堂吧,更多資訊立即聯繫我們!